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COASTAL NEUROLOGICAL CONSULTANTS, is a inter-disciplinary facility specializing in providing comprehensive quality health care.

When you visit our office, you will be cared for in a courteous, professional manner.  Our friendly and highly trained staff will do everything possible to ensure your experience is a positive one. We are dedicated to making you as comfortable and relaxed as possible.

Our approach to caring for you and your family is to provide comprehensive quality healthcare that meets your individual needs at every stage of life.  Our unique specialty care will allow you to achieve your health care goals in the most effective and cost efficient manner.

We are trained to perform a detailed clinical examination of all the important neurological structures in the body. This includes examining the nerves of the head and neck, muscular strength and movement, sensation, balance testing, ambulation and reflex testing. (Importantly, an examination by a neurologist can be helpful in distinguishing a primary neurological problem (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis) from a musculoskeletal disorder.) Along with the most advanced diagnostic technology (such as CAT scans and MRI/MRA scans - These tests can provide detailed anatomic pictures of the brain, spinal structures and the blood vessels.) and computerized testing available, we interpret EEG (electroencephalography), used in the evaluation of seizure disorders, and/or perform EMG/NCV (electromyography/nerve conduction velocity testing) which is used to diagnose nerve and muscle problems.

We specialize in Diagnosing and Treating -

- Disorders of the Nervous System
        Spinal Cord
        Central & Peripheral Nerves
- Medical Conditions
        Multiple Sclerosis
- Acute & Chronic Pain
        Back & Neck
        Nerve Injury

We are available, DAY or NIGHT By APPOINTMENT ONLY to accommodate your busy schedule.

Coastal Neurological Consultants can use many forms of medication to treat problems involving the nervous system
We can also perform a lumbar punc-ture (spinal tap) to obtain the cerebro-spinal fluid for analysis and we may send patients to other specialists for some forms of treatment, or we may refer a patient to a surgeon for a surgical evaluation.
We may also serve as a consultant to other physicians as well as providing long-term care to patients with chronic neurological disorders. We do not perform surgery.


If you are experiencing headaches all the time it may be more than just a simple problem. We will do a full examination to determine the cause of the problem.

For any questions or to schedule an appointment please e-mail us:

In Case of an Emergency Dial 911

All Content: Copyright 2007-2012 Coastal Neurological Consultants, A Professional Corporation